Audrey Nelson PhD. is an international trainer, key-note speaker, consultant and author who works with organizations to increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication. strategies.
You can reach Audrey at
or at 303.448.1800 O - 303.448.1802 C
Audrey is co-chair of the Diversity and Employee Relations PDG for Mile High SHRM.
SHRM is a preeminent and globally recognized HR professional society whose leadership, perspective, resources and expertise are sought and utilized to address the most pressing, current and emerging human resource management issues. Mile High SHRM is a Mega Chapter with a 1,000 membership.
Smart Talk |
What Were They Thinking (Part 2):
How to Stop Sexual Harassment
What’s the difference between sexual attraction and sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior. Remember “no” is a complete sentence.
It is a power play and on a continuum of intimidation. Sexual attraction is consensual behavior and characterized by equal initiation and participation.
How do I stop sexual harassment? If you are receiving unwanted sexual attention, tell the person that such behavior is unwelcome. If that person does not take you seriously, the following methods are suggested for stopping the behavior:
Say it again. Like a broken record, you may have to repeat your objections until the unwelcome behavior stops. Restate your objections. “I understand what you are saying but I don’t want you to…” Repeat that statement until the person stops the behavior and takes your request seriously. And you don’t have to explain or justify why you don’t want the person to stop.
Talk to your supervisor. (If it is you supervisor doing the sexual harassment, talk with his or her supervisor)
Write a letter or email. Write a letter or email to the sexual harasser and include the following:
- A description of the unwanted behavior
- The time the behavior occurred
- The fact that you want it to stop
- A warning that if it does not stop, you will take further action
- Signature and date
Make a copy of the letter and give it to the harasser in front of a witness.
Contact your organization’s HR or personnel department. They can assist you informally or formally stopping the unwanted sexual attention. |
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Audrey’s blog?
A Call for Women in Leadership
WOW! Did you know Audrey is the gender communication blogger for Psychology Today? Check out her monthly blog postings.
Take a look at her statistics: |
7 Days: 5,070 |
30 Days: 22,870 |
90 Days::68,220 |
All Time: 990,525 |
Audrey LIVE! |
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Audrey is Chair of a Mile High chapter of the Society of Human Resource Management. Here she is in action talking about Public speaking.
Audrey was interviewed by the Number #1 Montreal talk show on sexual harassment. - Click here to listen
Audrey’s guest editorial, How to Combat Sexual Harassment,was featured in the Boulder Daily Camera. She lists steps to take when confronted with SH and offers explanations on common reactions like “go along to get along.”Click here for article

Audrey’s program, A Woman’s Guide to Leadership: Power, Communication and Credibilitywas competitively selected for the annual Mile High Society of Human Resource Management’s conference. |
Audrey presented her competitively selected program, A Women’s Guide to Leadership, to the Northern Colorado Human Resource Association January 2018 meeting. The program drew the largest number of attendees in the organization’s history!
The Gender Communication Handbook –
Conquering Conversational Collisions Between Men and Women
The Gender Communication Handbook is for anyone who works with the opposite sex. If you are a part of a management team, in HR, or develop corporate training, this book is a comprehensive guide filled with smart advice, extensive research, self-assessments, and compelling true-to-life case studies. More |
Code Switching –
How to Talk so Men will Listen |
Code Switching is a hands-on tool for everyday use at the office. It is a practical resource with how-to steps to help businesswomen conquer the communication nuances between men and women in the workplace. This book explores the gender impact on business talk. - More |
You Don’t Say – Navigating Nonverbal Communication Between the Sexes |
You Don't Say is the first book to explore the misunderstandings that often arise between the sexes due to nonverbal communication — and to show readers how to say what they mean and get what they want. More than words, it's nonverbal cues that have the power to improve — or impair — our interactions with the opposite sex at home and in the workplace. |