Hi Audrey,
My name is Jessica Sullivan, and I am one of the Women’s Interactive Network Chair’s at Charles Schwab (known as WINS).
My team and I had the opportunity to listen to you at the Leadership Success Forum event on 10/14. We loved every word you had to say and would be very interested in engaging you for an event onsite in 2017.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Jessica M. Sullivan
Business Strategy & Analytics | Portfolio Consulting
USFS: Exploring Leadership
The Art of Conscious Communication: Audrey Nelson
Thursday, November 17, 2016, Missoula MT
- She was great. Clean, concise, and applicable information regardless of job assignment.
- Good training on communication
- Very energetic. Great interaction. Funny. Really engaging speaker. Really interesting presentation. Would love to see her speak again.
- Audrey gave insightful, clear, and applicable information on communication. This will help me in presentations, conflict resolution, listening with empathy, etc. The best presentation so far.
- Appreciated her point of view and insight into listening skills, first impressions, and the differences of communication between men and women. I would have liked more concrete examples of how to deal with specific communication issues. Ie. Specific examples like how she touched on the one interrupter in the group setting.
- Great presenter, very energetic. A lot of information that people probably know but definitely need reminded of. My favorite presenter of the week.
- Good stuff, good presenter.
IMS Charlotte, NC A Woman’s Guide to Leadership
Thank you for sharing your time, research and passion about women in the workplace today. It was very reassuring and inspiring to be with you and a room of women with the energy to make a difference. I was not one of the outspoken ones in the room, but listening and absorbing every minute. I have a 7am status meeting tomorrow morning with a group of all high powered (Male) Cardiologists and Healthcare Administrators, I can't wait to walk in like I own the place.
I also have my annual review at 9am - what timing!!
Thank you,
IMS Charlotte A Woman’s Guide to Leadership
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
What was the overall effectiveness of the speaker?
6.7 out of 7
Was the content of today’s session of value?
6.7 out of 7
Of the topics discussed today, which was of most interest to you?
12 A’s
Non-verbal, credibility
Non-verbal communication and code-switching
Body language – non-verbal communication
Imposter syndrome
How communication impacts your credibility
Communication tactics
Did I mention that your presentation today was awesome? I also liked your points on being assertive. Finally, I really want the Gender Communication Handbook so I am bombarding your email. Ha. And….No apologies!!!!!
Thank you so much for traveling to Boston and delivering another great session! We truly enjoyed you being here and I think all who attended thoroughly enjoyed the session. It definitely got us thinking! Thank you. Below is the feedback, please let me know if you have questions! See you soon.
New Balance
