I have attended industry conferences for many years. Very few keynote speakers have been memorable. Audrey Nelson, as a keynote speaker, was not only memorable but the content of her presentation continues to resonate with me years later. I am very happy to have recently recommended her as our keynote speaker for a conference that I am chairing next spring. I look forward to working with her and her professional staff.
Katrina Moody, ERPA, QPA, QKA | Member
Retirement Plan Administrators, LLC
Hello Audrey,
First, I loved and appreciate the session you lead today. Not only was the timing perfect (at least for me in my life right now) but affirming that I am on the right track.
I'm aspiring to get into executive level management in high tech (currently doing my time as a software engineer before I make my move into management) mainly show women, and more specifically women with my background, that we can make it.
Chepchumba Limo
Thank you so much for your great session at The Leadership Investment forum today. Everyone in the room was focused on your engaging and entertaining presentation. Are you still teaching classes at CU, and if so, are they open to non-degree students?
Teresa Sparkman | Principal Engineer Server Test Automation
Did I mention that your presentation today was awesome? I also liked your points on being assertive. Finally, I really want the Gender Communication Handbook so I am bombarding your email. Ha. And….No apologies!!!!!
Thank you so much for traveling to Boston and delivering another great session! We truly enjoyed you being here and I think all who attended thoroughly enjoyed the session. It definitely got us thinking! Thank you. Below is the feedback, please let me know if you have questions! See you soon.
New Balance

Hi Audrey,
This is my feedback for today:
I especially took acknowledgement of the 12 A’s and the way we talk as women talk. I realized, I am rarely assertive these days and I take a back seat more often then I should. I apologize profusely trying to find my worth/ credibility and I rarely get either. I am a strong women, but cannot execute that well. I am afraid of conflict or that I may be wrong…I learned its ok to be wrong, unsure and scared of the reaction of other people.
I also cried a little at the video you showed as I have 2 girls and 1 boy. I am scared that my girls will fall into the same pattern I have fallen into.
I love the video and would love to share that with my girls. It empowered me.
Which book should I start with, then move on to in order?
Thank you so much for you time today. I feel like every word resonated, now I just need to execute.
Amy Roe
Vice President, Relationship Manager
Vectra Bank |