Audrey Nelson PhD. is an international trainer, key-note speaker, consultant and author who works with organizations to increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication strategies.
You can reach Audrey at
or at 303.448.1800 O - 303-448-1801 F - 303.448.1802 C |
What Not To Do With the Bully
Bullies can be scary people because they operate with intimidation using anything from yelling, invading your personal space, ridiculing you in front of others and the list goes on. Usually, they are attempting to push you back. It could be a co-worker or maybe your boss. When we are initially confronted, we go into our instinctual mode (I had horses and they do the same thing): flight or fight. Like horses, most humans choose flight! Here are some guidelines:
- Ironically, although they may be ripping you apart, don't take it personally. It really is NOT about you. Check around. They do it too many people.
- Don't counterattack! Fight fire with fire, you end up with ashes.
- Don't confront them in front of others. They will perceive this as a challenge and ratchet things up.
- Don't act hurt or cry. That is often the pay off they are looking for.
- Don't attempt to justify or explain yourself. They don't care and this may add fuel to the flame.
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2006 to date- Smart Talk Columns on her web!
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Audrey presented The Art of Conscious Communication: A Talent for a Technical Age to Level 3. 1,000 employees attended via webcast, audio dial in as well as those in the room. The feedback was that Audrey presented an "outstanding" session that was "power packed."

Audrey conducted The Art of Conscious Communication, for the US Forest Service "Exploring Leadership" program in Missoula, MT.
One of the participants had 4 legs! Veto is a trained "apprehension and drug detection" dog imported from Germany. |
Fear of Success Syndrome and How it Holds Women back
Sheryl Sandberg , the COO of Facebook, believes women's progress in achieving leadership has "stalled." She refers to the "imposter" syndrome and over 40 years prior, Matina Horner, a psychologist who was the sixth and youngest president of Radcliffe College identified the "fear of success" syndrome in the achievement of women. Both Sandberg and Horner were addressing the achievement gap that exists among women.
Men fear failure and his self image is primarily defined by his success in the work place and career; she, in contrast, fears success. Why? What is the sex role conditioning behind this trap women fall into?
What are the significant issues that undermine women's road to achievement
• Success in the work world conflicts with femininity-that is, it is incongruent
• Women have a high need for approval and affiliation
• personal example of my late marriage and the coeds reaction when I announced I was getting married watch


Have you checked out Audrey’s blog?
What’s Behind Women’s Intuition?
Northern Region University -
University of Montana
Wed April 1: 7:30 am-11:30 am Smart Talk
1:30-5:30 pm Ouch! That Hurts: Dealing with Difficult People
Thursday April 2: 8:00 am-Noon Women in Leadership (note this seminar was selected by one of the top US training companies for presentation in six countries in 2015)
Enrique Olivares 406.329.3203
Mile High Society of Human Resource Management
Thursday, April 9, 2015 from
11:30 to 1:00 pm
5500 S. Quebec Street -
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Audrey will facilitate and participate as a member of a panel, What Were They Thinking: Prevention of Sexual Harassment.
Register: or click here for more infomation
Each workday we encounter challenges on the job: sexual harassment should not be one of them.
Recent events and studies reveal that many women - and an increasing number of men - have been sexually harassed in their work lives. Experts conservatively estimate that at least 50% of U.S. women will experience sexual harassment during their careers. A typical Fortune 500 company loses $6.7 million per year in absenteeism, low productivity and employee turnover due to sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is misunderstood and mischaracterized. It’s dehumanizing and divisive. Here are practical answers outlining the “what, where, when, why and how” to stop harassment. Learn a zero tolerance approach both women and men can live with.
Questions to be answered by panel:
- What are some things that can be done to mitigate the risk in sexual harassment cases?
- How do you address “he said/she said” situations?
- It’s been 23 years since the Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing, when allegations about his conduct toward Anita Hill were raised. How has the environment involving sexual harassment changed (or has it) since then?
- What and how are the most common ways sexual harassment is communicated?
Audrey will be traveling to six countries presenting her new topic
Women in Leadership: Communication, Credibility and Power
Click here to learn more

Did You Know Audrey began her training career with the largest seminar company in the US?
Twenty eight years ago Audrey was making dinner and received a call at home from Fred Pryor, the founder of Fred Pryor Seminars. He had sent out "talent scouts" to various conferences for the purpose of recruiting speakers and Audrey was discovered when she was a speaker for a Denver women's conference. Fred hired Audrey to design, train other speakers and present two women's seminars. One was titled, "Taking Charge." Today Fred Pryor is the largest public seminar company in the US.
The Gender Communication Handbook –
Conquering Conversational Collisions Between Men and Women
The Gender Communication Handbook is for anyone who works with the opposite sex. If you are a part of a management team, in HR, or develop corporate training, this book is a comprehensive guide filled with smart advice, extensive research, self-assessments, and compelling true-to-life case studies. More |
Code Switching –
How to Talk so Men will Listen |
Code Switching is a hands-on tool for everyday use at the office. It is a practical resource with how-to steps to help businesswomen conquer the communication nuances between men and women in the workplace. This book explores the gender impact on business talk. - More |
You Don’t Say – Navigating Nonverbal Communication Between the Sexes |
You Don't Say is the first book to explore the misunderstandings that often arise between the sexes due to nonverbal communication — and to show readers how to say what they mean and get what they want. More than words, it's nonverbal cues that have the power to improve — or impair — our interactions with the opposite sex at home and in the workplace. |