Hi Audrey,
Thank you for your wonderful presentation today. I have received numerous comments about how entertaining and informative it was. The office is all “abuzz” with talk:
“Audrey was a great presenter, and I related to so much of what she said . . . I recognize it right now, today (in the office) and at home.” (man)
“You all did a great job today and Audrey was perfect. I believe everyone will take something helpful away from today's discussion!” (man – one of Newmont’s top executives)
“Nice job to you and the team today – I found Audrey to be a great guest speaker and we are all still laughing at her honesty!” (woman)
“I haven’t laughed that hard in so long . . . she was so right on in every single thing she said.” (women)
Obviously, the women laugh because they recognize what you say to be so true. Everyone LOVED it, Audrey, and I’d like to see what I can do to get you back. I hope you get lots of e-mails from the Newmont crowd and some book sales! I’ll send you more comments as I get them.
Best regards,

Margaret Brock
Ethics Counsel
Legal Department
Hi Audrey,
I thoroughly enjoyed your talk today, and yes I am male. Part of my story is being raised partly by a single mother during the 1970’s, so maybe I am more sensitive to women’s issues than the average Joe. Thank you for adding more meaning to the term Androgyny than just the physical attributes of a person’s appearance for me; and the positive spin. One of my hobbies is the practice of Tai chi, and we speak of yin and yang. Yin is usually thought of as feminine and Yang masculine. I have learned to think of both as strengths, just different kinds. I have NEVER thought of women as the “weaker” sex because of the examples that I grew up with, namely my mother and grandmother, who are stories in themselves. Thank you for broadening my perspective a little today. I hope to read at least one of your books someday, and look forward to reading your newsletter or blog that I put my email on the list for.
Take care,
John Huddle
Senior Technician
Newmont Metallurgical Services
Hi Dr. Nelson,
I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday at the Fairlane Club. So many things I knew; so many things I did not know. Also, I exited without leaving my Session Feedback Form - it is attached. I also failed to ask if you would be providing any CE for yesterday's most valuable session.
Thank you again. I will definitely update my skills. I especially appreciated your comments about e-mail.
Grace |