Baby Boomer Split:
Are There two Types of Boomers?
The single largest generational representation in the workforce are baby boomers. Social scientists have defined this group based on the boom in births following WW II-1946-1964. This year the youngest of the Boomer generation turns 50. Richard Perez-Pena, a New York Times columnist, claims he just turned 50 but he is not what you have in mind when addressing characteristics of boomers. He goes on to say, he thinks there are two distinct halves:
1. Boomer Classic
2. Boomer Reboot
The differences between the two deal with sex, drugs and rock n roll (these 3 characteristics are generally top of the list when I ask Boomers in my training programs what words describe them) -and economics and war. It matters if you were a child in the 1940s and 50s (that would be me) or in the 1960s and 1970s (that would be my assistant, Michelle).
The end of Vietnam makes for a sharp dividing line: In 1973 the cease-fire was signed and the last draftees were inducted.
Classic boomers (early boomers) had friends who were drafted. Reboot boomers did not.
Many Classic boomers had fathers who were soldiers in WWII.
Reboot boomers had no war, no draft, no political defining cause and most their fathers were too young for WW II.
The Boomer generation also straddles a revolution in the entrance of women into college and the workplace. The Classic boomer were on the front line fighting for equality while the Reboot reaped the beginning of the benefits
Finally, the economics were different for the two groups. Classic boomers lived through a period of economic growth (the wealthiest time in America was post WWII). But the Reboot boomers saw that prosperity evaporate. They grew up with a pessimism of that era.
Richard Perez-Pena suggested the gap can be summarized by the staples of radio and TV. Classic boomers grew up with "Leave it to Beaver" and Reboots "All in the Family."
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Audrey Nelson PhD. is an international trainer, key-note speaker, consultant and author who works with organizations to increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication strategies.
You can reach Audrey at
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Monday, March 31
1:00-5:00 pm
University of Montana
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Tuesday, April 1
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Thursday, April 10, 2014
11:30 am to 1 pm
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He Speaks, She Speaks
WiRL Leadership Summit Webinar
May 8, 2014 at
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Smart Talk: Women, Power and Credibility
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Do Women Take Things Personally?
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Audrey was interviewed by BBC Radio live (which is heard by more than 6 million people every week) regarding the use of Emoticons in social media and our everyday emails, texts
and the impact it has on how we communicate and express our emotions in today’s society. Prof Scott Fahlman who is credited with using the first emoticon, :) , in a university bulletin
in 1982 was also interviewed.

Audrey was invited to present He Speaks, She Speaks to a Women's Leadership Development group at the Colorado Women's Chamber of Commerce, Denver, Colorado.
Audrey presented Your Generation or Mine for the Diversity and Inclusion lecture at Colorado School of Mines.
Audrey presented The Art of Conscious Communication to
“Overall I think it was a very good training program….and she is an engaging presenter who knows her stuff. I would recommend we use her again for communication oriented trainings. I liked the way she moved around the class-room to help keep folks engaged (although Boulder might have missed seeing her a bit?) She was very good with names – impressive really! Only making 1 mistake that I heard with a large group….I aspire to that.
This was the first L3 session I have went to. Overall, I thought Audrey was a great speaker – the hour and a half flew by. Normally, I feel that trainings can drag on, not this one. I really liked her animation and energy level. She had great stories/examples to prove/show her point. When I left the training, I was glad I went and I am planning on looking at her books because she spoke of things that are a great reminder to us all.”
Christine Voss
Learning and Development Senior
Hi Audrey, I attended the Mile High SHRM seminar you conducted in November. I wanted to let you know that I'm finding "The Gender Communication Handbook" very informative & helpful. I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
Hi Audrey,
Thank you so much for being our DeltaDays Keynote speaker—you did a great job! You handled the situation like the pro you are. We look forward to having you back on campus when another opportunity arises. I wish you continued success and look forward to seeing more of your work. Be sure to let me know if you haven’t received your check by the end of the week.
Take care,
Debra K. Lasich
Associate Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Colorado School of Mines |
The Gender Communication Handbook –
Conquering Conversational Collisions Between Men and Women
The Gender Communication Handbook is for anyone who works with the opposite sex. If you are a part of a management team, in HR, or develop corporate training, this book is a comprehensive guide filled with smart advice, extensive research, self-assessments, and compelling true-to-life case studies. More |
Code Switching –
How to Talk so Men will Listen |
Code Switching is a hands-on tool for everyday use at the office. It is a practical resource with how-to steps to help businesswomen conquer the communication nuances between men and women in the workplace. This book explores the gender impact on business talk. - More |
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You Don't Say is the first book to explore the misunderstandings that often arise between the sexes due to nonverbal communication — and to show readers how to say what they mean and get what they want. More than words, it's nonverbal cues that have the power to improve — or impair — our interactions with the opposite sex at home and in the workplace. |