Audrey conducted The Art of Conscious Communication for EKS&H. The following feedback from participants was provided by Christine Voss, Learning and Development Senior:
I loved it! I’d be interested in taking more of her courses.”
“I just wanted to express again my thanks for the session this morning with Dr. Nelson. I actually found it to be one of the most valuable training sessions I have attended in a long, long time; and would have had no trouble spending a full day learning from her.”
“I thought she did an amazing job of being fun, providing real live stories, very practical reminders. I found the class to be extremely valuable and worth my time. Great reminders as we head into busy season and forget to just pick up the phone or stop by someone’s office.”
“My main takeaway’s from the class are:
- Paraphrasing – I need to get better at it. Practice pulling the two impact words from a person’s statement and repeat them in a form of a question to the speaker (e.g. from what I understand, you want $3,000 dropped from your bill and want additional five interviews added as a change order).
- Use voicemail more frequently. While a face to face conversation is the best at conveying an idea and building trust, a phone call is second best. Email/texting/FB’ing is the least effective method of conveying an idea or building trust.
- Before sending an email, reread it and determine, “could/would I speak these words if I was in front of my intended recipient?”
- My number one takeaway: While her children were growing up, Audrey kept the TV off on weekdays. Neither of her children own a TV today. I love it.

Hi Audrey
Thank you for an engaging presentation and your contribution to the success of the CWCC Corporate Executive Leadership Academy!
Looking forward to continuing our partnership.
Have a great weekend,
Amy Amy L. Shoemaker, PHR, CMC, EMBA
Director, People Growth Strategies |