Open to the public - SMART TALK - Women, Credibility and Power - SEMINAR! |

Smart Talk is a hands-on seminar with how-to-steps for every business women who wants to conquer the communication nuances that can enhance her credibility, and make a greater impact on the job. Credibility and power are attribution variables, they are a perception-in the eyes of the beholder. Women come to the workplace with a set of complex communication behaviors that create an undeniable challenge; women are often seen but not heard. The strategies presented go beyond common sense and will provide women with cutting-edge verbal and nonverbal techniques that can be applied directly with immediate success.
Click here to register, agenda and for more information!
October 18, 2013
8:00 to 4:30 pm
Omni Hotel & Resort
500 Interlocken Blvd
Broomfield,CO 80021
Cost $175.00 (for 4 or more from the same organization-$165 each)
Talk |
Who is Audrey? |
Ambitious Women: Why Don't We Like Them?
Debora Spar, President of Barnard College, has written a new book, Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection, that argues in every stage of life women are trying to reach impossible standards. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, in her best selling book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, shares the same viewpoint. One of the key issues both authors address is why ambitious women seem less likeable; femininity and ambition are not compatible. I think it is important to note both attended Harvard Business School where they both experienced the challenges women confront at work.
Spar offered some insights and guidelines:
- Pick your battles wisely."I try to be easy to get along with. I am not aggressive or confrontational by nature."
- When something is important, I'll fight for it and I'll fight hard, but I don't do it often.
- If you are going to fight, then do your homework. If you're going to make a point, know every bit of data, every statistic, have your arguments formulated.
Sandberg talks about "seek and speak your truth" and the importance of having a "seat at the table."
Two must reads for women today. |
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Smart Talk Columns? |
the archives of Audrey’s
2006 to date- Smart Talk Columns on her web! Simply visit www.audreynelson.com and click on “Newsletters.”
Audrey Nelson PhD. is an international trainer, key-note speaker, consultant and author who works with organizations to increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication strategies.
You can reach Audrey at audrey@audreynelson.com
or at 303.448.1800 O - 303-448-1801 F - 303.448.1802 C
www.audreynelson.com |
Have you checked out Audrey’s blog?

Women and Emotional Management at Work
Click for article
Don't miss this! |
Audrey will be the new co-chair for the Employee Relations and Diversity Professional Development Group for Mile High Society of Human Resource Management.
Audrey was interviewed for the May 2013 issue of
Diversity Woman Magazine
on gender communication.
Click here for article |
People are saying about Audrey |
I want you to know that I am very impressed with Gender Communication Handbook as it has many relevant, effective activities and discussion guides to help bridge the gender communication gap. I am excited to use these exercises to enhance and benefit the Boy Scouts of America movement. Thank you!
Kathy B. Chormicle | Sr. Professional Development Specialist
Audrey's Books |
The Gender Communication Handbook –
Conquering Conversational Collisions Between Men and Women
The Gender Communication Handbook is for anyone who works with the opposite sex. If you are a part of a management team, in HR, or develop corporate training, this book is a comprehensive guide filled with smart advice, extensive research, self-assessments, and compelling true-to-life case studies. More |
Code Switching –
How to Talk so Men will Listen |
Code Switching is a hands-on tool for everyday use at the office. It is a practical resource with how-to steps to help businesswomen conquer the communication nuances between men and women in the workplace. This book explores the gender impact on business talk. - More |
You Don’t Say – Navigating Nonverbal Communication Between the Sexes |
You Don't Say is the first book to explore the misunderstandings that often arise between the sexes due to nonverbal communication — and to show readers how to say what they mean and get what they want. More than words, it's nonverbal cues that have the power to improve — or impair — our interactions with the opposite sex at home and in the workplace. |
Top 4 CD Communication Hits"