Have They Received a Bad Rap?
Millennials are the 80 million Americans born roughly between 1980 and 2000. By the year 2025, they’ll make up three out of every four workers worldwide. I have two of them at home; one is thirty and the other twenty-seven. I am reminded any time I read something critical about Millennials, that Boomers raised them. So if we have any complaints, we can begin with Boomer parenting (notorious for being "helicopter parents" and advocating the development of self-esteem). Many of us don't have the generational intelligence to deal with Millennials.
On the heels of Time magazine’s controversial recent cover story by Joel Stein, which referred to Millennials as lazy, entitled, and selfish, it’s important to consider how that characterization, whether true or unfairly conjured from stereotypes, plays into workplace dynamics.
Here are some of the complaints that manifest themselves in the workplace:
Millennials received so many participation trophies growing up that 40 percent of them think they should be promoted every two years – regardless of performance. This is one of the top complaints I receive from HR and managers. They resent what they perceive as a sense of entitlement, and that just showing up for work, regardless of performance, should guarantee a fast move up the ladder.
Welcome to my world! Another complaint about Millennials is they are self-centered and over confident. I hear this refrain about Millennials often, "It's all about me." My son was about 25 when he was complaining about his own age group and he summed it up as "Welcome to my world."
The operating norms are very different for Boomers and Millennials and this translates to questions like, "Do I have to come to work every day?" or "Do you have drug testing." One Millennial asked an interviewer if his mother could call about his benefits package.
Guidelines for dealing with Millennials will be offered in my December newsletter. |
Audrey Nelson PhD. is an international trainer, key-note speaker, consultant and author who works with organizations to increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication strategies.
You can reach Audrey at
or at 303.448.1800 O - 303-448-1801 F - 303.448.1802 C |
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The Fight for Face Time:
Is it a Gender Thing?
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Audrey will be the new co-chair for the Employee Relations and Diversity Professional Development Group for Mile High Society of Human Resource Management.
Feedback from Smart Talk: Women, Credibility and Power
Great seminar – thank you! What I liked best was the blend of serious matter of fact and humor. Also, videos and self assessments.
Linda M. Murphy, PHR
HR, Director
FCC Services
What an excellent conference with real takeaways! I feel like it helped add to my communication toolkit for a variety of situations. Everyone in a professional setting – men and women alike should attend to better understand how to communicate and avoid unintended consequences of certain verbal and nonverbal communication styles. I enjoyed the session from beginning to end.
Stephanie Barton
Director of Marketing and Communications
FCC Services
I want to thank you for the realization of the juxtaposition between my androgyny score and how I actually show up in communication (Code Switching Quotient). That was profound for me.
I look forward to future seminars.
All the best,
R. Nick
White Wave -
Sr. Manager |
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