The Transparent Communicator
Last month I addressed the opaque communicator (OC). Employing the Johari Window quadrants, I suggested the opaque communicator generally operates from the “hidden” quadrant and, occasionally, may come from the “blind” quadrant. The result is we feel uncomfortable interacting with an OC style. Decision making suffers, the trust level is low and the bottom line may be impacted.
In contrast the transparent communicator is “open” from the Johari Window perspective; what is known by the person is generally known by others. There is little information or communication withheld and there is a lot of spontaneity. This creates an atmosphere of high trust and relaxation. People are more productive and morale is high. No hidden agendas.
Now a word of warning. I am not suggesting TC translates into a “let it all hang out” style of communication. The TC understands the appropriateness of the context and what gets revealed when and to whom. We often know these people as honest communicators characterized by sensitivity of disclosure. |
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Look for Audrey in the May issue of
Men’s Health Magazine
“Say This Not That” Article
Audrey Nelson PhD. is an international trainer, consultant and author who works with organizations to increase their productivity and profitablility thorough winning communication strategies
You can reach Audrey at
or 303-448-1800
in the world is Audrey? |
March 2, 2010 | 8:30 am to 4 pm
Boulder County
He Speaks, She Speaks:
What Different Things They Say
Pearl Street Training Room
March 3, 2010 - 12-12:35 pm
Women in Science, Engineering and Mathematics Program
Code Switching: How to Talk so Men will Listen
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado
March 11, 2010
Averett College and Danville Chamber of Commerce
Code Switching: How to talk so Men will Listen
7pm Keynote and book signing
March 23, 2010 - 8:45 am to 10 am
2010 Women’s Conference
"Getting Connected & Staying Connected"
Opening Keynote:
Code switching: How to Talk so Men will Listen
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm The Twelve A’s to Axe
Sydney, Nebraska -
March 31, 2010
United States Forest Service
Code Switching: How to Talk so Men so will Listen
Missoula, Montana - |
The Joanie Greggains' Show - Health & Fitness - #1 Show in the #4 Market (2/27/10)
(Live, Saturdays 8-10 AM Pacific) 810 AM San Francisco -
Ronn Owens Radio 810 AM (2/24/10) #5 market and one of the Top 25 Talk Shows in the USA. Ronn has interviewed everyone from Obama to Howard Stern -
Code Switching
See TV for links |
ABC San Francisco
” View from the Bay”
Code Switching
Cleavage at Work? A New Dress Code for Professional Women
Complete video at:
- 189 comments and counting-
The full keynote has 4,500 hits!
From Bellbottoms to Khakis - Managing the Generation Mix
Channel 7 KMGH Denver News: Code Switching interview
February/March Women’s Magazine (Boulder Daily Camera) p. 15 “How To talk to Men in the Workforce” Relationship Rescue
KGO Newstalk Radio San Francisco (2/14/10)
Code Switching with Audre
Dear Audrey:
On behalf of the American Society of Civil Engineer Southern Colorado Branch ,I would like to extend a big “thank you” for speaking at our annual engineers dinner . I found your presentation both entertaining and informative. Your students at CU Boulder were very lucky to have had such a passionate professor!
Rich Eastland
ASCE Vice President
Lokey School of Business, Mills College
Keynote: Code Switching: How to Talk so Men will Listen
Thank you for an incredibly well-received event. It’s always a bit of a leap-of-faith when you invite a speaker, but you did a superb job and we’ve received such great feedback from young students and old hands alike.
I hope we will be able to work together again in the near future.
All the best,
Cynthia Kopec
Women’s Financial Association of San Francisco
Thank you Audrey. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together on air. The book is great. There are so many ways to change, to switch your coding! I have begun already to use them. My kids are an amazing experiment. They are the only kids I have so it's hard for me to imagine parenting a singleton. Having two girls and a boy gives us the opportunity to see the very real differences that exist between the genders. For example, my son was walking around today with underpants on his head while his sisters were taking turns doing math problems.
It was very good of you to join us Audrey. Thank you again.
Pat Thurston
KGO Radio
San Francisco |