Silence as Compliance
Silence is not always “golden.” Yes, I always suggest people shut up and listen more, but in the case of inappropriate comments, jokes or storytelling, you have a responsibility to speak up! It will be uncomfortable and many people just want to go along to get along. They want to act like nothing offensive was said. There are many ways you can contribute to creating a favorable workplace climate:
1. A popular simple word people use when someone says something inappropriate is “ouch!” Sometimes this one word will send the message and the behavior will stop.
2. If you have a repeat offender, it is important that you do not laugh at that off color joke showing approval. Instead, maintain a serious and concerned facial expression. Then say something like, “I think you should stop” or “Don’t go down that road.”
3. Approach the person privately and tell them you are concerned about their comments and the negative office climate it creates. Be specific. Use an example. Tell them you are offended and they need to stop.
4. If it still continues, tell your manager. If your manager is the offender, go to HR.
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November 4, 2009
7:00 pm
Barnes & Noble
2640 N Reserve St
Missoula, MT 59808
(406) 721-0009 |
November 6, 2009
Book Signing
Barnes & Noble
2999 Pearl St
Boulder, CO 80301
Monday November, 9th
7:00 am Good Day Colorado Channel 2 KWGN
See Audrey “live” talk about Code Switching |
November 13, 2009
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Diversity and Employee Relations
Professional Development Group Meeting
Colorado Human Resource Association
Presentation on Code Switching
CSU Downtown Denver Offices
410 17th Street (corner of 17th and Tremont),
Suite 1400 – 14th Floor
Denver, CO 80202
November 18
Code Switching Book Signing-Presentation
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Hotel Boulderado
O’Brien & Zender P.C. and Insight Edge
Invitation: Contact Audrey. |
November 19, 2009
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Business and Professional Women Author Fair
Book signing and presentation on Code Switching
Spice of Life at Flatirons Country Club
5706 Arapahoe Ave
Thursday, November 5th
United States Forest Service
Art of Conscious Communication

Catch Audrey on TV and in the news:

Layoff hitting men hardest
Daily Camera, October 25, 2009
Click here to view article
Thomson Reuters (10/24/2009)
Men Speak in Code
Silicon Valley -
The Herald (10/19/2009)
Interview with Auckland, New Zealand - click for article
MartinoTV program (10/12/09)
Denver FOX 9:00-10:00 am and on Denver
KWGN Channel 2 11:00-12:00 noon -
UK Telegraph (10/9/09)
October - Why men write short email and women write emotional messages - Click here for article
Boulder Daily Camera (10/9/09)
'Code Switching: How to Talk So Men Will Listen' review