Talk |
in the world is Audrey |
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Communicating Cubicle Etiquette
The problem with cubes is the lack of privacy. Here are some rules of engagement for cube dwellers:
- Announce your arrival and ask permission to enter a cube. Act like there is a door.
- No “prairie dog” popping up and looking over into someone’s cube!
- Do not hang outside waiting for someone to get off their phone. Leave and come back later.
- Use your “library voice.”
- No yelling across the “cube village.”
- Keep your shoes on (people can smell your feet in the next cube).
- Watch food odors.
- Use headset or ear phones when listening to music.
- Resist answering a question you over hear in another cube.
- Eat quietly and avoid humming, gum popping, slurping and pen tapping.
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Smart Talk Columns? |
the archives of Audrey’s 2006 to date
Smart Talk Columns on her web!
Simply visit www.audreynelson.com
and click on “Newsletters.”
December 3, 2009
Farm Credit Council Services
Victors without Victims
7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Avila Lighthouse Suites
Avila Beach, California
January 22, 2010
Colorado Human Resource Association Conference
Field at Mile High, Denver
8 am to 4:30 pm
Come visit Audrey in her booth!
Code Switching Events |
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
BWC FREE TeleInterview -
Q/A to Follow
Join us for a great conversation with Audrey Nelson and learn how we can "switch the code" on the guys and development great communication with them -
January 16, 2010
2 pm -
Book Signing
Barnes & Noble
4045 S. College Avenue -
Ft Collins
Audrey's New Blog !! |
Join Audrey's blog for Q & A on gender communication: Click below to join in on the following question.
What would it take to communicate more effectively with the opposite sex? |
YAHOO (11/2009)
He Said, She Said: How Men and Women Talk at Work -
Good Day Colorado Channel 2 KWGN (11/9/200)
Code Switching
Body Matters (11/02/2009)
How women can crack "the code"

Layoff hitting men hardest
Daily Camera, October 25, 2009
Thomson Reuters (10/24/2009)
Men Speak in Code
Silicon Valley -
The Herald (10/19/2009)
Interview with Auckland, New Zealand -
Code Switching: How to Talk so Men will Listen
Claire Brown Ph.D. and Audrey Nelson Ph.D.
Penguin Group-Alpha Books
ISBN 978-1-59257-926-6 |
Check out the new book website! - www.codeswitching.biz |
Code Switching: How to Talk so Men will Listen is a hands-on tool for everyday use at the office. It is a practical resource with how-to steps to help businesswomen conquer the communication nuances between men and women in the workplace. This book explores the gender impact on business talk. It teaches using true stories and case studies, while providing valuable “code-switching” tips to help women gain and strengthen credibility and make a greater impact on the job |
What people are saying about Code Switching: How to Talk so Men will Listen
Code Switching Presentation, Hotel Boulderado
Hi, Audrey,
Your presentation last night was so interesting (in the best sense, as in "I loved it"), entertaining and enlightening. Obviously the audience was quite engaged. I'm only sorry I couldn't get there earlier, but look forward to reading your book!
Alice Norton
Thank you for sending Code Switching. I feel it should be mandatory reading in all organizations for all employees!
Suzanne Harrington -
Reporter -
People are saying about Audrey |
Managing Conflict for a Positive Outcome – Farm Credit Council
Please provide examples of how you will apply the material from this workshop:
Comments are Stated Verbatim
- Use the strategies learned to diffuse conflict.
- Probably apply mine to customer interactions.
- Style approach to resolving conflict.
- Try to actively confront conflict as opposed to avoiding it.
- I will go back to my office and apologize to direct reports if I have offended them.
- Better understanding of the reason conflicts occur and how to handle them.
- I will use the skills I learned to help manage conflict with my staff.
- I will work on avoiding conflict.
- I'll be able to apply the various conflict resolution strategies in my day-to-day work environment.
- I will try to identify what style of conflict colleagues and customers use.
- I will use this weekly for my position.
- I will use the self-interest model to show employees they would benefit from teaching others rather
than yelling at them for doing things wrong.
Top 4 CD Communication Hits"