What is Code Switching?
Code switching: \ˈkōd ˈswich-iŋ\ verb.
The ability to use your knowledge of two or more cultures
or languages and switch between them, depending on the
situation, to best communicate your message.
Do you ever feel like people are talking in code? Does it ever seem that men are speaking in code and you’re on the outside? Do they shut you down or ignore you when you speak? Perhaps you’re speaking in code, too-a different code!
Men and women do have unique communication styles that don’t always mesh well. Code Switching offers a way of “reaching across the aisle” to open the lines of communication. It helps break the “he” and “she” code and speak in common terms, so the work gets done, conflict gets resolved, and mutual understanding and respect prevail in the workplace and beyond! Oh, and the bottom line and profits soar!
Below is a punch list that describes what is and what is NOT Code Switching:
- CS requires flexibility and adaptability to meet the communication needs of the situation or context.
- CS is NOT women behaving like men.
- CS usually requires a blend of female and male styles, possibly switching from one to other in a nano second!
- CS respects all styles of communication emphasizing the value of diversity.
- CS is requires a balance of respect for “self” and “other.”
- CS dynamic and ever-changing, based on its code-switching roots.
- CS is strong and soft, aggressive and straightforward, compassionate and not afraid of emotions.
When careers and paychecks are on the line, clear communication between genders is crucially important—from the mailroom to the boardroom. Code Switching explains what to say, how to say it, and how to act while speaking with the opposite sex for maximum effectiveness in the workplace. |
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August 8,2009
12:30 pm EST; 10:30 am MST
The Cocoa Express
Interactive, live Internet talk-radio show that focuses on issues that keep us from living a fulfilling life. You are encouraged to call (347) 637-2319 to listen or ask questions.
Audrey will be interviewed on the topic of gender communication.
August 26, 2009
Denver Metro Chamber
Your Generation or Mine?
11:30 am – 12:30 pm (Keynote)
1445 Market Street
August 28, 2009
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
You Don’t Say
8:30 am-4pm. |
Articles |
Code Switching: How to Talk So Men Will Listen
by Audrey Nelson, PhD
Jack says, “She just goes on and on, when all I want is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer! Can you get this report to me by Friday? Yes or no? Instead, I get her life story.”
Just look at a man listening to a woman who is rambling on. He enters the trance, kind of like a dog staring at a fan. He looks dazed and confused. His eyes seem to beg, “Why is she telling me all of this needless information? Just tell me ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ woman!”
During one seminar, a man used that old saying, “You ask a woman what time is it, and she tells you how to build a clock!” Do we have a gender gabber dilemma here?