Wear Your Heart on
Your Sleeve
2001 Gallup poll asked American adults whether a series of qualities
and characteristics applied more to men or to women. Ninety percent
of those surveyed said the characteristics of “emotional”
applied more to women. It seems likely from these results that
many Americans perceive women as either able or prone to experience
a much wider range -- and intensity -- of emotions than men do.
...In the office, women will see
everything -- from the budget to the year end report -- with an
objective eye, but also a layer of subjectivity. If it doesn’t
feel “fair” or something seems “off,”
she will often choose to express this gut feeling. You can almost
see men rolling their eyes. He comes from primarily (and almost
exclusively) an objective stance.
Evidence over the past four decades indicates that women adapt
their style to that of men when they are interacting with men,
but women rarely have adopted men’s styles completely. So
a woman will offer up an objective account of “facts”
and “data” (which resonates with him), but she will
not completely dismiss her “inner knower.” This subjective
element, in the eyes of men, has little credibility. Right or
wrong, we have been conditioned to view objectivity as superior
to subjectivity. Women know feelings are often the deeper truth,
and his objective reasons and opinions are a more superficial
...Be careful when announcing
your concern about a potential vendor and your wish to more fully
check out the offer. You do not need to let it all hang out. Don’t
say you have a bad vibe or they make you nervous. Men don’t
need to know your subjective opinion. It is all voodoo to them.
you know? |

Audrey was one of the founding members of the Organization for Research
on Women and Communication 30 years ago. She served as Vice-president
and President. She has also published articles in the ORWAC journal
January 13
Your Generation or Mine?
Missoula, Montana
January 22
Averett College (Audrey’s Alma Mater)
Keynote for 150th Founder’s Day Anniversary
The Sky’s the Limit
Danville, VA
January 23rd
Colorado Human Resource Association (CHRA)
Denver, CO
Come by and visit Audrey at her booth! |
27th,28th and 29th
Ft Collins, Colorado
Your Generation or Mine?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Omni Interlocken Resort, Broomfield
will be a featured author.
The Authors’ Luncheon is a literary event that brings together
local authors who will share their craft and insights about their
creative process. Proceeds from the event benefit local and international
service agencies that advance the status of women. Zonta Foothills
Foundation supports efforts to prevent violence against women,
and improve the economic opportunities, education and health of
women in Colorado and around the world. Jean Dubofsky will serve
as the Honorary Chair. Jean Dubofsky made Colorado history as
the first and youngest woman appointed to the Colorado Supreme
Court. Jean earned her A.B. from Stanford University and her LL.B
from Harvard Law School.
News! |
just signed a contract for her second book with Alpha Books,
division of Prentice Hall. On bookstore shelves September 2009.
Code Switching: How
to Talk so Men will Listen |
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Smart Talk Columns on her web!
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