the holidays I like to recommend my fav book for the year!
This year it is SWAY: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior.
The authors are two brothers. Ori Brafman is a graduate of Stanford
Business School and his brother, Rom Brafman, is a psychologist
in San Francisco.
I could not put this book down! It is about the hidden influences
that derail our decision-making. It will change the way you think
about the way you think. Have you observed someone at the office
who is bright and generally a solid, grounded decision maker do
something irrational? The case studies are fascinating and instructive.
For example, Sway introduces you to the Harvard professor who convinced
his students to pay more than $200 for a $20 bill. A must read.
P.S. I just picked up one of my favorite authors, Malcolm Gladwell’s
new release , Outliers: The story of Success. I have heard
an NPR and NBC interview with him. I think it will be another New
York Times Best seller.
you know? |

Audrey was one of the founding members of the Organization for Research
on Women and Communication 30 years ago. She served as Vice-president
and President. She has also published articles in the ORWAC journal
you miss one of the
Smart Talk Columns? |
the archives of Audrey’s 2006 to date
Smart Talk Columns on her web!
Simply visit www.audreynelson.com
and click on “Newsletters.” |
December 12th
State Farm Insurance
1 pm-4 pm
He Speaks, She Speaks
Portland, Oregon
December 19th
Johnson & Johnson
The Sky’s the Limit
8:30-10 am
New Brunswick, New Jersey
January 13
Your Generation or Mine?
Missoula, Montana
January 22
Averett College (Audrey’s Alma Mater)
Keynote for 150th Founder’s Day Anniversary
The Sky’s the Limit
Danville, VA
January 23rd
Colorado Human Resource Association (CHRA)
Denver, CO
Come by and visit Audrey at her booth! |
March 14, 2009
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Omni Interlocken Resort, Broomfield
will be a featured author.
The Authors’ Luncheon is a literary event that brings together
local authors who will share their craft and insights about their
creative process. Proceeds from the event benefit local and international
service agencies that advance the status of women. Zonta Foothills
Foundation supports efforts to prevent violence against women,
and improve the economic opportunities, education and health of
women in Colorado and around the world. Jean Dubofsky will serve
as the Honorary Chair. Jean Dubofsky made Colorado history as
the first and youngest woman appointed to the Colorado Supreme
Court. Jean earned her A.B. from Stanford University and her LL.B
from Harvard Law School.
News! |
just signed a contract for her second book with Alpha Books,
division of Prentice Hall. On bookstore shelves September 2009.
Code Switching: How
to Talk so Men will Listen |